
您所在的位置:网站首页 i know i know you face Westlife


2023-11-19 05:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Home Westlife 音乐 2021-11-21 22:46:14 点我进入下载地址 提取码:jodb

  Home - Westlife (西城男孩)


  What's your name

  Do you live around here

  Don't I know your face

  You say I've been a stranger for too long

  I didn't even notice I was gone

  And I wanna come back home

  Show me the way to make a start

  Show me the road back to your heart

  And I've learned the only truth that I need to know

  There's a million places I can go

  But without you it ain't home

  It ain't home

  Please say what I need to hear you say

  Say I'm thoughtless and foolish

  But say it's not too late

  Now I don't know exactly where we go from here

  But tryin' is the only way to know

  And I wanna come back home

  Show me the way to make a start

  Show me the road back to your heart

  And I've learned the only truth that I need to know

  There's a million places I can go

  But without you it ain't

  It ain't home yes please believe me

  Don't give up 'cause we're half way there

  We're at the crossroads in the middle

  Between hope and between despair

  All I need is some direction

  Let me know you'll wait for me

  Where you are is where I'll be

  Show me the way to make a start oh

  Show me the road back to your heart

  And I've learned the only truth that I need to know

  There's a million places I can go

  But without you it ain't

  Show me the way to make a start

  Show me the road back to your heart

  And I've learned the only truth that I need to know

  There's a million places I can go

  But without you it ain't home

  It ain't home


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上一篇 : 妳对我说妳最近很常失眠 下一篇 : Oz





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